Thursday, September 30, 2010

Taxes make the world go 'round

Our class met with Preston Trigg, Director of Administration and Special Projects for the Hillsborough County Tax Collector.  His career choice may seem boring, but I was actually intrigued during his lecture to our class. It made me realize the importance taxes serve.

Taxes are a major part of a city, county, state or country's economy.  Taxes collected by counties are distributed to improve schools, police and fire departments, infrastructure and other services.  By putting money into these services, you are helping to expand and improve the quality of the area in which you live.  The economy then grows once tourists come to your civilized area.  Taxes are an essential part of the American way of life.  Without them, there would be very little money flowing into your city and into your bank account.  Every paycheck an American receives is taxed.  Your payroll tax goes into a social security fund in order to help out financially when you are retired or no longer able to work.

In essence, taxes help you in the long run.  It may be a pain to pay them at the time, but they will benefit your country and your life eventually.  I don't think people realize how important taxes really are.  Without them, we won't have enough money to support wars, fire departments, police departments, teachers and safe roads for travel.  They truthfully do make the world go 'round.  Many of the privileges we have in this country are a result of taxes.  Something as simple as a dirt road in Mexico can be paved because of a tax on the residents of that area.  We take many things for granted and do not realize the importance of some of the privileges we have in this country.  

On a side note -- I would like to add that I am a Republican and fully support Tax Reform and the Bush Tax Cuts.

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